Champ's Cupboard and Resources for Food Insecurity

Picture of many cans of canned food

Champ's Cupboard - A Great Resource for Students

Champ’s Cupboard is a free food shelf offered to all UMD students. Students can pick from a variety of non-perishable items including rice, pasta, soups, sauces, and vegetables. Students can also choose from toiletries such as shampoos, soaps, and diapers. Champ's Cupboard is stocked with items donated by faculty, staff, students, and alumni. To access Champ's Cupboard, visit the front desk of the Office of Student Life, located in 245 Kirby Plaza.

Students must show their ID card so that student status is verified. Students are then provided access to the cupboard, and they may take all the items they need. It's a great idea to bring a bag or backpack for the items taken. All that is asked at the end of the student's visit is for fill them to fill out a brief form (no questions are asked about why the student needs the food). The form allows staff to track what items are taken, what needs to be replenished, and what items are popular. Champ's Cupboard also provides information about food shelf programs in the Duluth community via the Hunger Solutions site and the Ecolibrium3 site. Another great resource is the federal Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) - more information is available through the "related link" on the right side of the page. is another great resource which provides many resources for a variety of situations. 

Champ's Cupboard was established in 2013, and the support for the program from the UMD community has been phenomenal! Here's a link to a report that tells the story of ten years of Champ's Cupboard. 

For questions about the program or information about how to make donations, contact the Office of Student Life (contact information at right).