Supporting student wellbeing is a priority for UMD Student Life, our campus, and our University of Minnesota system. Student wellbeing and wellness is one of Student Life's five goal areas.
During the 2023-2024 academic year, a cross-disciplinary team of Student Life staff worked together to construct a year long view of issues that college students may face when it comes to their wellbeing. The team approached this project holistically, focusing on all aspects of student wellbeing and according to the Student Life wellbeing framework. Below you'll find a month-by-month list of wellbeing issues and concerns. Common themes are found each month, among them academics, finances, interpersonal relationships, mental and physical health, and inclusion and belonging.
The team also created a list of wellbeing resources according to the same themes. Those resources may be found here.
Team members included Chris Kaberline (convener, Student Conduct and Conflict Resolution), Rachel Kraus (Kirby Student Center), Esther Maier (Alumni Relations), and Tom White (RSOP).
Student Wellbeing Monthly Issues/Concerns in a College Year
- Academics
- Feelings of academic inadequacy
- “Little Fish in a Big Pond” feelings
- Fears over first exams and papers
- Coping with large classes
- Finding academic resources and support
- Getting the right course materials
- Getting to class on time
- Time management and spreading oneself too thin
- Worry about coursework
- Choosing a major
- Dealing with competition
- Managing stress
- Receiving grades on first Assignments/exams
- First Midterm exams
- Knowing when to ask for help
- Identifying resources needed (i.e. Disability Resources, Career Center)
- Attending Career Fairs
- Finances
- Having enough money
- Finding a job
- Inclusion and Belonging
- Welcome Week
- Greek Rush
- Getting involved on campus
- Getting more connected on campus
- Finding a job
- Finding the right student organization or involvement opportunity
- Wondering “How I will fit in?”, "Do I Fit Here?"
- International Student adjustment
- Transfer Student adjustment
- Coping with stress related to campus climate issues
- The Imposter Phenomenon
- Interpersonal Relationships
- Personal
- Anxiety About Roommates, Professors, Classes
- College Relationships 101 Building Connection
- Social
- Understanding boundaries
- Fears about dating relationships
- Developing friendships
- Balancing old and new friendships
- Long-distance relationships
- Family
- Changing family dynamics
- Staying in touch with family
- Personal
- Living Experience
- Living On-campus
- Policies in the residence halls and apartments
- Living on one's own
- Roommate Conflicts
- Living Off-campus
- Living on one's own
- Roommate Conflicts
- Living On-campus
- Mental and Phsyical Health
- The “Freshman 15”
- Safety
- Dietary Needs and Dining Services
- Substance Use/Abuse
- Alcohol and medical amnesty
- Cannabis
- Dangers of drinking around people who are unknown
- Safety in using alcohol (for example, issues of common alcohol containers)
- First time consumption of alcohol
- Transitions
- First and second nights on campus for First Year Students
- Testing new-found freedom
- Homesickness
- Loneliness
- Feelings of being lost
- Preconceptions of college life
- First-generation college student concerns
- Adjustment to managing life away from home
- FOMO (Fear Of Missing Out)
- Balancing college, work and friends
- Developing a strong sense of belonging
- Academics
- First Midterm Exams - no longer “top dog” in academics
- Dealing with disappointing grades
- Registering for 2nd Semester classes
- Academic withdrawal
- Questioning whether to drop classes
- Questioning choice of major
- Building strong relationships with faculty
- Finances
- Financial pressures
- Inclusion and Belonging
- Halloween
- Fall Break
- Interpersonal relationships
- Personal
- Love relationships from home
- Roommate Issues
- Social
- Pressure to have sex
- Family
- Deciding how often to go home
- Personal
- Mental and Physical Health
- Loneliness
- Depression
- Feelings of not being successful
- Becoming over-extended
- College isn’t what one thought it would be
- Gaining weight
- Substance use/abuse
- Too much partying
- Partying, Alcohol and Substance Abuse
- Sexual Assault
- Pressure to use alcohol/drugs
- Transitions
- Job Panic for Mid-year graduation
- Graduate school syndrome
- Values are being challenged
- Voting and Elections
- Consequences of decision-making experiences
- Academics
- Midterm Grades Returned
- Time Management Conflicts Between Social And School Obligations
- Registering for spring courses
- Selling or returning textbooks
- Inclusion and Belonging
- Campus climate concerns
- Recognizing sexual harassment
- Sexual misconduct
- Interpersonal Relationships
- Personal
- Break up with long-term relationship from home or from school
- Family
- Excitement and/or anxiety about going home for Thanksgiving break
- Family relationships and possible changes
- Death of a significant family member
- Parents just got divorced
- Where to stay for Thanksgiving
- Significant life events back home
- Personal
- Living Experience
- Anxiety over looking for housing for next year
- Finding accurate Information about when to start looking
- Finding resources for off campus living
- Mental and Physical Health
- Body Image Issues
- First series of Campus-Wide illness (colds, flu, etc.)
- Transitions
- Graduating In December - “What Am I Going To Do Now?”
- Academics
- Questioning whether to return to school
- Procrastination and academics
- Worries over finals and appears
- Too many end of semester socials
- Anxiety over preparations for finals
- Finances
- Financial strain
- Inexperience with budgeting becomes an issue
- Break/holiday expenses
- Financial stress as summer money starts to run out and holiday/break money needed
- Inclusion and Belonging
- Religious conflicts
- Pre-holiday depression due to family situations or not going home
- Interpersonal Relationships
- Social
- Decrease in friendship development
- Family
- Missing being home to prepare for the holidays
- Worrying about returning home - fearful of losing new found independence
- Excitement and/or anxiety about going home for the holidays/break
- Sadness about leaving new friendships and/or love relationships for the break
- Social
- Mental and Physical Health
- Depression: When will I adjust?
- Burnout
- Increased thoughts about suicide
- Increased alcohol/drug abuse
- Weight gain continues
- Catching winter colds
- Finances
- Completing the FAFSA
- Awareness of Financial Aid Deadlines
- Money problems as bills come due or work weren’t available over break
- Living Experience
- Anxiety for new students moving into an established floor community
- New roommate conflicts may arise on or off campus
- Preparing for a move to off-campus housing or other new residence
- Mental and Physical Health
- Homesickness after winter break
- Loneliness for love relationship back home
- Second guessing or regretting going to school at all (high school friends stayed home or went away - different experiences)
- Feeling isolated or lonely
- Post holiday depression
- Staying motivated in and out of the classroom
- Academics
- Preparation graduate school entrance exams
- Pressure to improve grades
- Midterm anxiety can begin
- Interpersonal Relationships
- Personal
- Challenges with love relationships back home
- Valentine’s Day Brings Out Loneliness, Isolation
- Social
- Valentines Day fun
- Relationships begin to strengthen (engagements) while others begin to weaken or dissolve
- Personal
- Mental and Physical Health
- Impact of long winter
- Feelings of cabin fever and depression with winter
- Bad weather
- Stress from planning for Spring Break
- Boredom which can lead to destructive behavior and vandalism
- Substance use/abuse
- Potential increase In alcohol or other substance abuse
- Academics
- Increased academic pressure
- Preparation to take graduate school entrance exams (LSAT, MCAT, GRE, etc.)
- Interpersonal Relationships
- Personal
- Possible pregnancies from holidays may begin to show or be discovered
- Social
- Spring Break dilemmas-excitement/disappointment in plans
- Personal
- Mental and Physical Health
- Stress and Anxiety
- Spring Fever
- Increased suicidal thoughts occur from stress of school and social life
- Increased drug and alcohol use due to growing pressures
- Spiritual struggles
- Concern Over Winter Weight Gain
- Substance Use/Abuse
- St. Patrick’s Day - "I don’t drink, but everyone else is going out to party"
- Transitions
- Summer job search begins
- Next year’s living arrangements and questions - move? stay with current roommate?
- Depression begins in anticipation of separation from friends at school
- Preparing For Professional School
- Existential crisis for seniors -”Do I have to leave school? Will I find a job?”
- Academics
- Anxiety about final exams/projects
- Looking for summer internships
- Interpersonal relationships
- Personal
- Anxiety over missing college friends during summer
- Concerns about moving home
- Deciding whether or not to return to school next year
- Difficulties with saying goodbye
- Social
- Social pressures increase with banquets, receptions, parties, meetings, etc.
- Personal
- Mental and Physical Health
- Burned out feeling - tired and things are slipping
- Cabin Fever
- Loneliness
- Transitions
- Anxiety regarding choosing/or having selected roommates for next year
- Concern Over Declaring Major
- Job pressures - senior and summer positions
- Transitions
- Final exam anxiety
- Graduation -what now?
- Apprehension about moving/returning home For summer
- Sadness over leaving new friendships and/or love relationships from university
- Transitions
- Summer School
- Preparing for the next year
- Freshman preparing for their first year of college