Student Life Annual Report

Student with UMD on their mortar board at commencement

Our Student Life Annual Reports draw information from each of the Student Life Departmental and Committee Annual Reports. Contributions to the accomplishment of the Student Life Strategic Plan are presented in the form of one or more infographics. Information is presented at a high level - the richness of the work in Student Life is found in the individual unit reports (click here to view individual departmental reports). Questions about the annual reports should be directed to [email protected].


Student Life Annual Report (pdf)


Student Life Annual Report (pdf)


Student Life Annual Report (pdf)


Student Life Annual Report (pdf)


Student Life Annual Report (pdf)


Student Life Annual Report, Part 1 - Goal Areas 1 (Learning), 2 (Cultural Competence), and 3 (Wellness)

Student Life Annual Report, Part 2 (pdf) - Goals 4 (The Student Life Experience) and 5 (Resources)

Evidence of progress toward the achievement of Student Life Goal 6 - Assessment - is woven throughout parts one and two in that the information depicted in the infographics come from assessment efforts across the division. 


Student Life Annual Report 2016-2017: A Focus on Assessment


Student Life Annual Report, Part One: Student Life Goal Areas 1 (Learning), 2 (Cultural Competence), and 3 (Wellness)

Student Life Annual Report, Part Two: Student Life Goal Areas 4 (The Student Life Experience) and 5 (Resources)

Evidence of progress toward the achievement of Student Life Goal 6 - Assessment - is woven throughout parts one and two in that the information depicted in the infographics come from assessment efforts across the division. 


Click on the following links to view the annual report for each Student Life Goal.

Goal Area 1: Learning

Goal Area 2: Cultural Competence

Goal Area 3: Wellness

Goal Area 4: The Student Life Experience

Goal Area 5: Resources

Goal Area 6: Assessment


Click on the following links to view the annual report for each Student Life Goal.

Goal Area 1: Student Learning - Student Employment

Goal Area 2: Cultural Competence

Goal Area 3: Wellness

Goal Area 4: The Student Life Experience

Goal Area 5: Resources

Goal Area 6: Assessment - Part 1 - Part 2